Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

The functions of the small pockets in Pants Jeans

Have you ever wondered about the function of a small pouch on the inside right side pocket of your jeans? No matter whatever brand jeans that, generally there will be a small bag that is small in size.

It turns out that the existence of the tiny sacs there own history behind it, you know. It was associated with the early use of a pair of jeans in gold mining.

Launched by Bubblenews.com page, circa 1850s America was booming gold mining. Lots of foreigners go to America to search for the precious metal. Starting from Europe, China, Africa and other entry into the country to compete luck.

One of them Levi Strauss, German citizens who helped search for gold nuggets in the United States. He was thinking about how to make a special garment strong and not easily torn because miners often complain because the shirt and torn pants snagging rocks.

He was then made ​​bleu de Genes pants were then called blue jeans. Levi Strauss then produce the pants in large quantities, for the benefit of miners.

Proven thick pants made it strong, because it is made with powerful techniques and materials. Now, to complete the purposes of gold miners, Strauss was then given a small pouch at the top right pocket.

Its function is to store grains of gold were discovered by miners, to be secure and not easily fall. Since then always wear jeans pants creation Strauss early model, complete with a tiny bag, though not used by gold miners again.

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